Category: defendant

Helpful tips to Finding the Right Attorney

It is very important to have a great attorney when you’re in the midst of facing any criminal charges. Not all attorneys are the same and finding the right attorney for your needs can make all the difference! The hunt for a good attorney can be overwhelming, especially with so many to choose from; however, here are some helpful tips to find the right attorney for you:

Why the Right To Remain Silent Is Best

When you are arrested, the best thing that you can do for yourself is to keep quiet until you are represented by an attorney. It is important to remember that if you are arrested, you have the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney but these rights only protect you if you choose to use them.

Rescheduling Court Appearances

An important part of being out on bail is making sure a person does not miss any scheduled court hearings. Missing a court hearing can result in being arrested again and having to pay the full amount of bail. Once a person misses their court date, a judge will issue a warrant for an arrest. This allows a police officer to make an arrest and can keep a person in jail until they can resolve why they missed their court date.

The Conditions of Probation

When a person is convicted of a crime and goes before a judge, they may be granted probation before being sentenced to jail time. Depending on the severity of the offense a judge may grant probation to a defendant instead of sending them directly to jail. Probation is a court-ordered period of supervision served in the community. It allows for a person to remain in the community while having to comply with certain conditions. When a judge agrees to grant probation instead of prison time, the defendant has a list of conditions that must be met in order to remain out of jail. Failure to comply with probation conditions can result in additional jail time.

Do’s & Don’ts While Out on Bail

If you or family member ever find yourself in the situation where you are out on a bail, there are some things to avoid and some things to consider to be sure that you remain out of jail until your final court date. Click here for helpful tips.

When Can Bail Be Denied?

There are certain circumstances in which a judge will not grant a defendant bail. One obvious reason would be if the defendant has previously breached the conditions of bail, making them less likely to be granted bail again.

Fail to Appear to Court

When a defendant chooses to pay bail in order to remain out of jail and fails to appear at the scheduled court date, there are consequences that can affect not only them but also any friends or family who have helped in securing the amount of bail.

The Most Common Crimes That Land You in Jail

While it’s usually easy to tell right from wrong, not all people understand that their actions can land them right behind bars. Whether you are complicit or not it’s important to understand the consequences for the following and whether you can be granted bail afterward or not. 

Tips to Speed Up the Bail Process

There is nothing more unsettling than when your loved one or even yourself is waiting around trying to get bail to stay out of jail. But the good news is there are a number of actions you can take to speed up the bail process once it is set by the judge. 

Conditions of Bail – how are they determined and what happens if you violate those conditions?

Often times, when a judge sets an amount for bail, they also outline the conditions of that bail. Bail is a set amount of money that must be paid to the court in order for the defendant to remain out of the custody of the police. In addition to paying this amount, the judge may also mandate other conditions that if violated could send the defendant back to jail.