Category: active arrest warrant

What is an Arrest Warrant?

What is an Arrest Warrant?   Have you ever wondered what it means when you hear a warrant is out for someone’s arrest? There are many legal terms that some individuals do not understand, so let’s clarify exactly what an arrest warrant is and discuss how it is issued and what happens afterwards.   What…

What to Consider BEFORE co-signing a Bail Bond

  As a bail bond company it is our top priority to provide the help you may need to keep you or a family member out of jail. Our company can provide the necessary funding to help pay for your bail – allowing you or your loved one to remain out of jail while waiting…

How is Your Privacy Protected?

Most people do not want anyone to know if they have been arrested. Let’s face it, it is embarrassing, and in some instances, could ruin your reputation. Therefore, you most likely want to keep it on the down low since it could affect your career and personal life. 

Active Arrest Warrant

An arrest warrant is issued by a judge which authorizes the arrest and detention of an individual or the search and seizure of an individual’s property. Arrest warrants serve the purpose of protecting people from unlawful arrests under the Fourth Amendment. It gives notice to the person being arrested about the charges pressed against them.