What are the Common Restrictions Set with Bail


The justice system works in a funny way. Paying a sum of money for a crime you didn’t commit just to stay out of jail until the verdict is given seems backward. Unfortunately, that is the way it works and even if you pay bail there may be some restrictions and rules set forth by the judge. When these rules are broken the defendant will end up back and jail and it can damage their court case further. 

Knowing what the usual conditions to expect is an important thing for the defendant. Once they have been set out on bail the conditions apply immediately. Let’s talk about the most common rules that must be followed when sentenced to probation. 

  • Check-ins

The overarching rule of all the other rules that have to be followed is the pretrial check-ins. Instead of checking in with a parole officer, a person must check in with a pretrial officer to make sure everything is going as planned. This can be done in a number of ways like the pretrial officer making a stop by at random points. If the defendant is on house arrest they may need to wear an ankle monitor and the only way to check-in is a visit from the pretrial officer. 

  • Restraining/No Contact

If the alleged crime has to do with stalking or involves other people like domestic violence or anything of the sort likely the judge will issue a no-contact order. This means that the defendant can not in any way get in touch with other people involved in the case. This also sometimes means other people alleged the crime. 

  • Banned Substances

Often times a judge will order that the defendant refrains from any legal substances like marijuana and alcohol. While other drugs may be illegal they specify as well a breach in using banned substances can result in a worse outcome for the case. This is most common with cases that involve DUI and substance abuse-related crimes. 

  • Employment

A judge may order for their defendant to remain employed as terms for their bail because it guarantees hours that they are busy and is productive. If the defendant is unemployed the judge may order for the defendant to seek employment during this time. This is something that a pretrial officer would monitor. 

Other Requirements

While these are the most common requirements that a judge will dole out depending on the specificity of your situation the list is not limited to just this. Travel restrictions are usually put into place as well and depending on the level of the crime allegedly committed will result in stricter or more loose terms. 

It’s important that when a family sets bail that they work with a trusted bondsman that can understand and explain the conditions of their bail. When the terms are broken the money is not only lost but the defendant will go back to jail again without the options they previously had.