You’ve Been Arrested for DUI in Florida

You’ve Been Arrested for DUI in Florida.  Now What?

No one should ever get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle if they’ve been drinking.  The stakes are much too high. If you’re lucky enough to not get hurt or hurt anyone else, you’ll be facing jail time, hefty fines, and a damaged driving record. If you have made this mistake and have been arrested in Hernando County, here’s what you can expect to happen to you.

You will be asked to take a field sobriety test (walking in a straight line, balancing on one foot, following an object with your eyes) and if the officer thinks you are under the influence, he or she will ask you to take a breathalyzer test.  For this test, you will be asked to blow into a device that measures your blood alcohol content (BAC). If it is .08 or higher, you will be charged with DUI (Driving Under the Influence).

In the state of Florida, there is an “implied consent” law which means that as part of your driving privileges, you agree to have your BAC checked if an officer suspects you’ve been drinking and driving.  This does not, however, mean that you have to consent when you are pulled over by law enforcement to take the tests and you cannot be forced, but refusing to do so will be an automatic loss of license for a year.  The second time you refuse, you’ll lose your license for 18 months and will be charged a misdemeanor. If there is a death or serious injury caused by your suspected DUI, you will be required to take a blood test given by a medical professional.  You cannot refuse in this case.

If you are found to be over the limit, you will be arrested and brought to jail and booked and the court will set a bail amount.  At this point, you or a loved on can call Mercy Bail Bonds to arrange a bond to pay your bail and get you back home as soon as possible.

Florida Penalties for First DUI Conviction (from the Florida DMV’s drivers’ handbook):

  • Fine: $500-$1,000 ($1,000-$2,000 if BAC is .15 or higher or there is a minor in the vehicle.)
  • Community service:  50 hours
  • Probation:  not more than a year
  • Imprisonment:  not more than 6 months (not more than 9 months if BAC is .08 or higher or there is a minor in the vehicle.
  • License revocation:  minimum of 180 days
  • DUI school:  12 hours
  • Evaluation conducted to determine if treatment for addiction is needed
  • Ignition Interlock Device installed if court ordered (for at least 6 continuous months if BAC is.15 or there was a minor in the vehicle

Florida Penalties for Second DUI Conviction:

  • Fine: $1,000-$2,000 ($2,000-$4,000 if BAC is .15 or higher or there is a minor in the vehicle.)
  • Community service:  50 hours
  • Imprisonment:  not more than 9 months
  • License revocation:  minimum of 180 days
  • DUI school:  21 hours
  • Evaluation conducted to determine if treatment for addiction is needed
  • Ignition Interlock Device installed if court ordered for 1 continuous year

Florida Penalties for Third DUI Conviction:

  • Fine: $2,000-$5,000 (not less than $4,000 if BAC is .15 or higher or there is a minor in the vehicle.)
  • Community service:  50 hours
  • Imprisonment:  not more than 12 months
  • License revocation:  minimum of 180 days
  • DUI school:  21 hours
  • Evaluation conducted to determine if treatment for addiction is needed
  • Ignition Interlock Device installed if court ordered for 2 continuous years

Zero Tolerance

  • Any driver under 21 years of age with a breath or blood alcohol level of .02 or higher will automatically have their license suspended for six months
  • Any driver under 21 with a breath or blood alcohol level of .05 or higher is required to attend a substance abuse course.

If you’ve been arrested in Hernando County or elsewhere in Central Florida, call Mercy Bail Bonds immediately at (727) 856-7775.  Our expert staff can answer any questions you may have and can get you or a loved one out of jail quickly, sometimes in just a few hours.  

Drinking and driving is a serious offense that could result in a lot more than a loss of license, it can result in the loss of life.  Don’t do it. Hand over the keys and call a friend or a cab.

Remember, if you don’t want to be charged with DUI, don’t drink and drive!