Category: flight risk

Helpful tips to Finding the Right Attorney

It is very important to have a great attorney when you’re in the midst of facing any criminal charges. Not all attorneys are the same and finding the right attorney for your needs can make all the difference! The hunt for a good attorney can be overwhelming, especially with so many to choose from; however, here are some helpful tips to find the right attorney for you:

When Can Bail Be Denied?

There are certain circumstances in which a judge will not grant a defendant bail. One obvious reason would be if the defendant has previously breached the conditions of bail, making them less likely to be granted bail again.

5 Reasons Why Bail Might Be Denied

When you or a loved one is sitting in jail trying to figure out what is going to happen next, a judge is reviewing your case and deciding on whether or not bail should be allowed. There are five reasons that a judge could possibly deny you or your loved one bail.