What To Do If Your Teen is Arrested

It’s a phone call that no parent wants to get―your teenager has been arrested.  You’re shocked. You’re angry and scared and you don’t know what to do. First, take a deep breath.  Of course, you’re upset but it’s important to think clearly so you can help your child.  

When your teen is arrested, he or she will most likely be taken to a juvenile facility and will be questioned there.  They cannot question them without notifying a parent or guardian so this is probably when you’ll receive a call.  

Speak Calmly

You may be angry or upset with your child but this should be dealt with in the privacy of your own home.  You wouldn’t want you or your child to say anything incriminating in front of authorities. Tell them that you’re going to help, you’re going to call a lawyer, and for them to not say anything to the police until the lawyer has arrived. 

Call a Lawyer

Laws may vary which is why you should have a lawyer present.  You probably will be able to consult with your child before he or she is questioned but you may not have to be present during the questioning but they are allowed to have a lawyer there.   

Call a lawyer right away to act as your child’s representative so everything is done right.  It’s best to hire a lawyer that specializes in juvenile law. A lawyer who is experienced in juvenile law will know how to find the best course of action for your child and will probably have first-hand knowledge of the judges and attorneys who work in juvenile court.  Give the lawyer any information they may need to represent your child including witnesses or mental issues your child may be experiencing.

Call a Bail Bond Agent

Be sure to have all of the pertinent information such as the location where your child is being held and what the formal charges are for the bond agent so he or she can work quickly.  You’ll also need your financial information so you can pay the 10% premium for the bond once bail has been set.  

Bail Hearing  

Just like with adults who’ve been arrested, the judge will take a few things into consideration before deciding whether or not to release your child on bail.  They’ll look at the nature of the crime and its severity, and they’ll also take into consideration the criminal history of your child. Judges don’t like to keep children in custody so usually, they get released on bail.  

Talk to Your Teen

It’s going to be a difficult conversation but once your child is home, you need to talk about what happened.  Your teen needs to explain how they got into the situation. It may be helpful to have your child speak with a counselor if they have difficulty opening up to you.  It’s important that your child understands that they have your support and love while also understanding the seriousness of their actions. They need to understand that their actions hurt you.  Don’t sugarcoat things. Be clear with your child about the process and the punishment that he or she may be facing.  

If you feel like your teen is involved with drugs or alcohol, seek help for them immediately.  Aside from getting them the help they need, it may help their case if the court hears that they’re already enrolled in a drug or alcohol treatment program.  

Your teen needs to know that their life isn’t over.  Getting arrested is not the end of the world and with the help and support of family, they can move forward.

If your teen has been arrested, Mercy Bail Bonds is here to help. Call us at (727) 856-7775 and talk with one of our caring staff who can move quickly to get your child released from jail.  We’re open 24/7 and we always answer.